Saturday, October 16, 2010

Drunken Rant: 10/16/2010

***The following rant was composed roughly between the hours of 3am & 4am.  Not sure what sparked this, but I made some points worth salvaging from the bowels of Twitter.  If it seems fragmented, it's because they were in tweet form.  As always, take what I saw with a grain of salt, followed by a shot of tequila...a lime chaser is suggested, but not required.***
I ate this McGangBang before I started drinking...Obviously, I was re-evaluating my life afterward

   "Listen...Life is full of double standards, oxymorons, and ingenious idiots...u just have to find your grove and stop worrying about the rest.  Actions speak louder than words. But when you're my close friend & I don't hit you just be's like that. I'm still down for you.   Sometimes you can get by off of a feeling or an intent. But meaning to do something & doing something are 2 completely different things.