Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rant: Infatuation

*** This following was tweeted at 1:30am outside of a strip club ***

Physical infatuation is only as deep as the pretty brown skin that creates it
Teasing and tempting me to touch & taste the tips of the tempest temptress until she trembles
When I'm in the moment, it feels like forever. I have no past, no future...she's my present and I'm trying to maximize my time in it

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rant: The Honesty in Infamy

This rant was written at 12:30pm in a hotel room. As always, take it for what it's worth

  In college, I was known but I never considered myself to be popular. I feel like this is still the case today, and I'm happy about that.

  I remember saying to my friends at the beginning of our sophomore year that I didn't want to make any new friends this year. That may sound weird, but I had a reason for that.  Freshman year was all about "New" (Aside from my friends from high school, shout out to Stan & Maurice). New place, new classes, new routine, new people, new friends, & new enemies (Naturally, I found my fair share of those).  It was like a challenge to see how broad and large you could grow your network. It didn't really matter how many of these connections were meaningful, it was just a part of learning the lay of the land.  I got tired of that process.