Monday, March 5, 2012

Extra Thought: Overused Memes that are Overused

  First and foremost, I tend to lose interest in something when it is overdone.  I love internet memes as much as the next left-footed, organ donor. However, I get tired of it when it gets stagnant or just isn't good.  That being said, I easily get annoyed when the latest meme starts to flood my news feed or timeline, all making the same joke in a slightly more lame way than the last.

Example #1

Example #2

  Those two became annoying almost immediately as everyone put their own twist on it, making it relevant to them and funny to few, and annoying to most.

  What's even stranger to me is the surge of pictures of quotes that have been showing up everywhere.  People are posting pictures of words...not making posts using quotes, posting pictures of words.  This is silly to me.  If I go to stalk a random chick's Facebook page (hey, shit happens), I want to see pictures of her in revealing outfits, not pictures of a dumb phrase.

Example #3
Example #4

  Is this hurting anybody?  No.  Am I nitpicking?  Yes.  Do I think less of you for doing this?  Probably.  Do you care how I feel about these pictures?  Obviously, or you wouldn't have read this post (Gotcha, bitch!).  I just felt like saying it.

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